Moving On Up…
ToggleIt’s been a busy start to the year with many students achieving amazing goals already.
Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Beginner 2 – Clarke Parkinson, Kate Banks, Martyn Stephens, Nick Barraclough, Rachel Stackpool, Susie Shin.
Beginner 3 – Azaria Byrne, Blake Feltis, Boudicea Mcglone, Bree Smith, Daniel Moussa, Denise Chan, Faimasasa Kamilo, Flynn Carroll, Michael Pisciuneri, Monique Brady, Nina Conti, Noelene Turton, Rylee Mackintosh.
Beginner 4 – Ross Barnes,, Angela Eagleton, Christopher Daw, Emily Burnham, Jade Ryan, Jason, Lorenzo, Jesse Everett, Veronica Cloherty.
Beginner 5 – Alana Navratil, Peter Fayad, Shanice Titus.
Beginner 6 – Bethany Kable, Fikrte (Kate) Bushell, Kennedy Lee, Simone Neviani.
Beginner 7 – Catherine Silvester, Jose Talite, Peter Liszka.
Relationship 1A – Cindy Salvestro, Mandy Sugar, Ophir Friedman, Ruby Busuttil.
Relationship 1B – Adi Ashur, Dan Dyron, Ella Cass.
Relstionship 2 – Bede Smith.
Emotional Prep 1 – Larissa Marsh.
Stand Out.
Check our term dates, and enrol in classes today.
Emotional Prep 6 – Noreen Antill.
Relationship 3 – Dean Tuttle, Shiva Chandra.
Impediment 1 – Tristan McKinnon.
Impediment 3 – Rebecca Leedham.
Beginner Camera 2 – Alana Navratil, Angela Eagleton, Azaria Byrne, Daniel Moussa, Emily Burnham, Faimasasa Kamilo, Jade Ryan, Jesse Everett, Kali Holmes, Linda Rabie, Michael Pisciuneri, Michelle He, Monique Brady, Nick Barraclough, Rylee Mackintosh, Tanya Farrugia.
Beginner Camera 3 – Catherine Silvester, Chris Permats, Christopher Daw, Hilton Terewaamu, Kennedy Lee, Mandy Sugar, Natasha Doudkevitchn, Peter Fayad, Shanice Titus.
Intermediate Camera 1 – Chandra Vidar, Cindy Salvestro, Ella Cass.
Intermediate Camera 2 – Bede Smith, Claire Garnham, Noreen Antill.

Billy Milionis is one of the few Australians to have ever studied under the legendary master teacher, the late Sanford Meisner. Billy has also studied story structure and scene analysis techniques with John Truby and later at UCLA. He has also spent several years doing improvisation in Hollywood with the L.A. Connection. In addition, he trained in the technique of Stella Adler, Practical Aesthetics and Lee Strasberg’s method.